On the 20th of January, we held an Open house for Jenn's listing: Caya Ritmo 1
An Open house is when sellers open the doors of their home to welcome potential buyers and/or their agents, within a specific timeframe. All visitors are able to explore the home and observe more clearly, aspects of the home they didn't see in so much detail online. It's an opportunity for them to meet the property, in person.
Listing agents of the property that's being sold are always present to answer any doubts or questions that may arise during the Open house. For Caya Ritmo 1, the Open house took place on a tranquil Friday morning filled with mimosas and traditional Aruban snacks like cheese Pastechi and spicy Kroket, to welcome everyone home. Needless to say, there was a constant flow of agents present as they were looking at the property with their clients, in mind. Jenn kindly answered each question that arose that morning about the property.
Common questions asked were:
Q: Why are the owners selling?
Jenn: They are a lovely couple from the United States and lived here for a while, but they want to reside in the US now.
Q: Who designed the property?
Jenn: A Brazilian architect.
Q: Is the apartment detached from the house?
Jenn: Yes, the apartment is completely detached from the house and the entrance to the apartment is through the garage door of the property. The only 'shared' space is the patio.
Q: Is the house being sold furnished?
Jenn: The house is being sold semi-furnished; we can send you a private email if you're interested in more information.
Q: How old is the house?
Jenn: The house is around 22 years old and is in perfect condition.
Q: Can you suggest Airbnb's potential income revenue and renting of the apartment long term?
Jenn: The house is not currently being rented. However, the price in this neighborhood ranges from USD 298$ in the low season to USD 600$ in the high season. Price will vary depending on the house.
The property is the ideal investment opportunity. More information about this listing is available in the "find your home" section of our website.
Finally, our Bold Jenn took this opportunity to record an informative yet fun tour of the property so that we could share this with all of you.