Juleika Wardenaar

Juleika Wardenaar

Bold Agent

Meet Juleika

Meet Juleika, a passionate individual who thrives on creating connections and fostering friendships. Always ready to lend a hand, she values the importance of human connection. Beyond her social prowess, fitness is a cornerstone of Juleika's life, bringing her genuine joy.

In the entrepreneurial realm, Juleika proudly owns LemonPeel, her very own clothing store, reflecting her commitment to her aspirations. Goal-oriented and optimistic, she navigates life by setting plans and relentlessly pursuing her dreams.

Juleika finds immense joy in collaborating with individuals, transforming their dreams into reality. Prioritizing building connections with new faces, she ensures exceptional service and ongoing happiness for those around her.

Her favorite quote, "Keep going; everything will come to you at the perfect time. Mindset and consistency are everything," encapsulates her resilient spirit and positive outlook on life.

To Juleika, Bold stands out uniquely in every aspect. Recognizing the company as a hub of professionals with incredible support, she sees a genuine opportunity for personal growth and continuous learning as a real estate agent in this environment.

Work With Us

Bold Real Estate Aruba offers clients a tenacious spirit, worldly outlook, and solid experience, making them an important ally to buyers and sellers on the island of Aruba.

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